Wednesday 26 June 2013

Articles, news and other more information about climate change has recently increased and is being spread world wide. Every people, every nation and all living beings are as well being affected by it. OUR world, OUR home is little by little being destroyed, WE should all be aware of our home and act together to save it.

image from ""

Lately, there had been huge change in our climate. Have you experienced that summer feeling during a winter season? Or experience rain during the peak of summer season? Isn't it a bit weird? It could be natural in a way since we could not predict the weather accurately, but at some point it could also probably be due to the gradual change of climate. What could have caused this? There are some factors that would help and leads us to the root of the problem. Pollution is one factor affecting climate change. How so? Well as you can tell, there are a lot of kinds of pollution, namely there's air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and more. And all these pollution when combined and continuously stays active, it will be a big problem to our mother earth.  The air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live in, everything will come to an end sooner or later if nothing is done. Yes, we do have some resources, but if we don't take good care of our remaining resources, then wouldn't it be the end for us human beings as well? We humans have caused those pollution. We throw garbage, toxic wastes and such wastes into the sea water. Randomly throwing our waste trash around us instead of disposing it off properly. Smokes, car smokes, hair sprays, spray paints, burning coals and more are affecting the air we breathe. All the things we do or use in this world, either necessity or luxury, these affects our environment. If we people are disciplined enough, it wouldn't be hard for us to change the world, we can help save our planet if we set ourselves to achieve that goal. Impossible? It may seem so, but if every human being living in this world would would do the same to help out, then it wouldn't be impossible. We should think as ONE for the benefit of everybody and not just for oneself.

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