Wednesday 5 June 2013

11th Hour

             The 11th Hour is a documentary movie that shows us of how our world is of as now. It is a look at the state of the global environment including a visionary and practical solutions that we may do for us to restore our ecosystem.

          And in this documentary, there are those thoughts that has practically caught my attention. Every thought was right

"Extinction is a natural part of life." - Kenny Ausubel

"The problem is the way of our thinking."

"Dream of the future generation and hear them calling."

"What are you doing? Can't you see?"

"Opportunism and greed."

"You're either a property or a person." - Tom Linzey

"It's the human brain that could only recognize that we could affect the future by what we do today."

"The consumption is not bad but totally out of balance." - Stephen Hawkins

"Global warming is real and destructive. It defy's imagination."

"Technology can't do what nature can do for us."

"We keep doing what we kept doing at an accelerating rate." - Stephen Schneider

"You name it, they've got it!"

"What is at stake? HAPPINESS!"

These are some thoughts that caught my attention, short phrases yet strong. We should stop doing things that could harm our environment and start preserving it. A huge change comes from a simple step. No matter how small of change a single person can do, if we all do it, then the impossible could be possible.

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